
Storm damage and public pathway prunings, pick up, and help

2024 summer rain volumes in Dunbar/Spring neighborhood 2.25″ on 6-22-240.20″ on 6-23-240.15″ on 6-28-240.04″ on 7-2-240.32″ on 7-11-241.40″ on 7-14-240.04″ on 7-16-240.15″ on 7-18-240.05″ on 7-20-24Total thus far 4.6 inches […]


Annual rain & native food forest plantings another success in 2024

Our 28th annual Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood Rain, Tree, & Food Forest Planting extended into the adjoining West University Neighborhood for a fifth year here in Tucson, Arizona. But as both neighborhoods […]


Working with the City of Tucson to get, and improve, ADA-accessible ramps for our neighborhood’s public paths

The City of Tucson is currently installing and upgrading ADA-accessible ramps where sidewalks intersect neighborhood intersections along bicycle boulevards. (The Dunbar/Spring neighborhood has a bicycle boulevard running along University Blvd […]


Harvesting FREE rain-irrigated mesquite pods for goat and people feed

I’ve harvested over 200 gallons of DRY mesquite pods as of early July 2023. Choosing Mesquite Trees for Landscapes & How to Identify Different Species More About Mesquite Multi-Use Plant […]


Harvesting +30,000 gallons of roof runoff in tree basins for FREE

See how we harvest over 30,000 gallons (114,000 liters) of roof runoff in tree basins to passively shade and cool the building from which we harvest the water. This system […]


How wall color can cool (or heat) you by over 25˚F (13˚C), & shade can cool you by over 45˚F (25˚C)

Light colored exterior walls—exposed to full sun—are over 25˚F (˚C) cooler than darker colored walls; while shaded walls (whatever the color) are over 45˚F (˚C) degrees cooler than walls exposed […]


Pruning to regain access of our neighborhood’s shaded public walkways

Summer 2023 Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood Foresters volunteers spent a combined 80 hours in late May, June and early July pruning vegetation along our neighborhood’s street-side public paths in the public rights-of-ways […]


Rain-irrigated living air conditioners shading neighborhood streets by over 38˚F!

Click on the video above to see Brad Lancaster show how native food-bearing trees and understory vegetation planted within or beside passive rain- and stormwater-harvesting rain gardens is able to […]


Striving to get more water-harvesting traffic-calming planted with native food forest plantings in the neighborhood

As per the City of Tucson’s process to request traffic calming, Brad Lancaster, of the Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood Foresters met with Jesse Soto ( of the City of Tucson transportation department […]


Map of the growing Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood Forest public water harvesting

Download and/or view a high-resolution 2023 version of the map Then zoom in to see the details. Compare the 2023 version of the map to the originally released 2022 version […]