Latest Past Events

Brad Lancaster presentation at Arizona Native Plants Society – Tucson chapter (in person and virtual)

WHERE: ENR2 building, 1064 E. Lowell Street, room 215, on University of Arizona campus, Tucson, Arizona. A video of the presentation will also be offered at a later time through the Arizona Native Plant Society website. Brad will give a version of the following presentation at the meeting: Re-hydrating and Re-enlivening Our Communities with Rain-watered […]


Deadline to sign up for installation of rain gardens and plantings with the 29th Annual Dunbar/Spring (& 6th Annual West University) Neighborhood Rain, Tree, & Native Food Forest Planting – Tucson, AZ

Deadline for placing an order: November 8,  2024 First step: Sign up on the Neighborhood Foresters Contact page here Second step: Fill out, sign, & return this maintenance/stewarding agreement to Third step: If you want to qualify for Tucson Water’s rainwater harvesting rebate or the low-income water harvesting grants and loans (as of July […]