
Neighborhood Foresters clean up, plant, and steward neighborhood water-harvesting, traffic-calming green infrastructure

Big thanks to the nine Dunbar Spring Neighborhood Foresters volunteers that helped prune, weed, clean up, and plant this water-harvesting traffic-calming chicane October 15, 2022 in the Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood, and for enhancing the stormwater flow through the circle to better passively irrigate the multi-use native vegetation. Its part of our preparation for Cyclovia.

We pruned the area trees to enhance access for pedestrian paths and bicycles & cars (with much of the prunings going to feed neighborhood goats, whose composted bedding will be used to mulch neighborhood rain gardens), removed the weeds that were smothering the native perennial understory plants, then planted native agave murpheyis, and native wildflower and restoration seed mixes. Just in time for the rain!

Then we went to help out neighbor Javier (after he helped us stewarding the traffic circle) to plant rain, a native velvet mesquite tree, and creosote bushes in his yard.

Big thanks to Maxie Adler and Javier Zamora who are the residents and stewards on this block who spearheaded this work party & agreed to water the new plantings to get them established after planting.

Earlier in the month we had work parties around the intersections of:
9th Ave and 1st Street
• 9th Ave and University Blvd.
10th Ave and 4th Street
11th Ave and University Blvd.

Want a similar work party on your block in the Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood?
Contact Brad at and we’ll help you organize it, promote it, supervise it, and bring in other volunteers.

Let’s spruce up our neighborhood for Cyclovia on Oct. 30th!

Want a similar work party in your neighborhood?
Start your own neighborhood foresters group, this website is full of resources, examples, and templates to help you do so.

The idea is to get to know your neighbors, and then we help each other out while making things better for everyone.


See here for other examples of in-street water-harvesting traffic-calming

See here for examples of street-side water harvesting


To support such Neighborhood Foresters efforts you can donate here
Such work requires a lot of coordination, promotion, and preparation along with purchasing/growing/collecting the needed seed and plants.


For more on water harvesting see