Gavin Troy and his son Liam were tired of seeing bare spots, weeds overtake native plantings, litter pile up, and tree limbs blocking public pathways in the public right-of-way adjoining their home. But instead of just complaining, they did something about it.
With guidance and support from the Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood Foresters, Gavin and Liam collaborated with their neighbors to:
• plant the bare spots with hardy native plants, then water them to get them established
• remove the invasive weeds (with plant identification help from the Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood Foresters)
• sow native wildflower seed
• pick up the litter
• prune the trees to regain access to the public pathway
The result was a huge improvement leaving Gavin and Liam with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. They’ve now committed to “adopt” and regularly help steward that section of the neighborhood forest, and the Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood Foresters in turn help them with that stewarding, along with adjoining neighbors Gavin reaches out to. Many hands make for lighter, enjoyable work. And thanks to the galvanizing spark of Gavin and Liam other hands join in.

Note that Gavin also painted the “COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD” when it was originally installed by neighborhood volunteers.
Photo: Brad Lancaster
Would you like to similarly “Adopt a Pocket” or “Steward a Pocket” of the Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood Forest with some support and guidance?
Email us at: NeighborhoodForesters@gmail.com