Dunbar/Spring (and adjoining neighborhoods) baby saguaro sale & planting
Baby saguaros grown from seed (NOT removed from the wild), ranging from 6 to 8 inches in height are available for $25 each (and we can help you place and […]
Baby saguaros grown from seed (NOT removed from the wild), ranging from 6 to 8 inches in height are available for $25 each (and we can help you place and […]
Baby saguaros grown from seed (NOT removed from the wild), ranging from 4 to 6 inches in height are available for $25 each (and we can help you place and […]
Join your neighbors as we weed, prune, and clean up the water-harvesting traffic circle and chicanes at 11th Avenue and 1st Street. • You'll learn plant identification (what's a weed, […]