Now is the ideal time to plant native wildflower seeds if you’d like to see a sweet wildflower show this spring!
The Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood Foresters have native wildflower seed for planting within neighborhood green infrastructure (water-harvesting, traffic-calming circles and chicanes/curb extensions).
If you’d like to get some of that seed and coordinate a time with Brad and other neighborhood foresters for a planting of that seed in green infrastructure near you – contact Brad at NeighborhoodForesters@gmail.
During such plantings we will also help you identify what is a native wildflower or other desired plant, and what is an invasive weed. We then pull the weeds.
We’ll likely have some extra seed for those helping plant to also plant in their yards and the public right-of-way adjoining their place.
This week before rain is forecast to begin this Friday would be ideal to plant!
Join us for the first planting of the season at 11th Ave & 1st Street at 9:45am Sunday, 12-17-23!